Monday, December 13, 2010

Proposed N Scale Plan

The plan above is one we found on the internet it is just one of several but it meets many of the criteria of what we want the club layout to be. The general size and shape is about right but much of the track plan will be altered to suit the elements listed below.
  • Able to be operated by one person with the layout visible from most angles.
  • Reliable and simple track plan able to handle long trains, operational interest for club members and still accessible to the public.
  • Single level with plenty of storage underneath as well as simple to construct.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Hello and welcome to the blog, here menbers will keep you updated on what we are doing and hopefully the construction of new layouts will be documented as well.
We meet most Tuesday nights at the Gladstone Historical Village and on the first Tuesday of the month we have a formal management meeting at McDonalds in Gladstone around 7.30pm.
Anybody is welcome to come along and run their equipment or learn some new skills.